
Visualizzo 1-20 di 57 elementi.
AutoriTitoloSottotitoloLuogoAnnoPeriodoEditoreMetalinguaLingua oggettoSistema di scritturaTipoPer stranieriTesto presenteUnità
Cheneau François The Italian master; or, rules for the Italian tongueteaching to read, write, and speak that language in a month’s time, by an easy and familiar method, hiterto unpractised: with compositions or lessons adapted to the rules; also, a table of verbs, by which all verbs regular and irregular, may be readily conjugatedEton1754MS CopyIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Baretti GiuseppeEasy Phraseologyfor the use of young ladies, who intend to learn the colloquial part of the italian languageLondra1775Robinson-CadellIngleseItalianoLatinoManuale di conversazioneSiindiceSiena
Richards Ivor Armstrong, Evangelista Italo, Gibson ChristineItalian through picturesNew York1955Washington Square PressIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Boni OresteGrammatica italiana della Lingua parlatacon gli esempi cavati dal Manzoni, per uso delle scuole secondarieParma1898Casa editrice Luigi BatteiIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaNoindiceMilano
Poggi UlisseLa grammatica del mio Felicinoconversazioni di grammatica ragionata e di morale offerte a' giovanetti studiosiFirenze1882Le MonnierIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaNoindiceMilano
Heatwole OliverA comparative practical Grammar of French, Spanish and Italian by Oliver W. Heatwole; edited by Mario A. PeiNew York1949S. F. VanniIngleseFrancese, Italiano, SpagnoloLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Woodhouse RichardA grammar of the spanish, portuguese and italian languagesintended to facilitate the acquiring of these sister tongues, by exhibiting in a synoptical form the agreements and differences in their grammatical constructionLondra1815 Black and Co.IngleseItaliano, Portoghese, SpagnoloLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Thomas WilliamPrincipal rules of the Italian Grammerwith a Dictionarie for the better understandyng of Boccace, Petrarcha, and Dante: gathered into this tongue by William Thomas.Londra1550Thomas BertheletIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiedizione digitaleSiena
Zanni MarcoDitelo con gli insulti (e non accontentatevi di un semplice vaffanculo)Dizionario completo degli insulti italiano-inglese. Per un corretto utilizzo dell'insulto anche all'estero.Reggio Emilia1999TecnografInglese, ItalianoItalianoLatinoGlossarioSinoSiena
Barnard SamuelA Polyglot Grammarof the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Greek, Latin, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and German languages. Reduced to One Common Rule of Syntax, and an Uniform Mode of Declension and Conjugation, as Far as Practicable. With Notes, Explanatory of the Idioms og each Language; a Succint Plan of their Prosody and an...Philadelphia1825Abraham SmallIngleseCaldeo, Ebraico, Francese, Greco, Inglese, Italiano, Latino, Siriaco, Spagnolo, TedescoLatinoGrammatica plurilingueSirisorsa digitale presente in reteSiena
Lentulo ScipioneAn Italian grammer written in Latin by Scipio Lentulo a Neapolitaneand turned in EnglishLondra1575Thomas VautrollierIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Hollyband ClaudiusThe Pretie and wittie Historie of Arnalt & Lucendawith certen rules and dialogues set foorth for the lerner of th’Italian tong: and dediated unto the worshipfull, Sir Hierom Bowes, KnightLondra1575Thomas PurfooteIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Florio JohnA perfect induction to the Italian, and English tongues, as in the table appearethin His firste fruites; which yeelde familiar speech, merie prouerbes, wittie sentences, and golden sayingsLondra1578Thomas WoodcockeIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Sanford John A grammer or introduction to the Italian tongueOxford1605Simon WatersonIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Florio JohnNecessarie rvles and short observations for the trve pronovncing and speedie learning of the Italian tongueLondra1611Edw. Blount and William BarretIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Torriano GiovanniNew and easie directions for attaining the Thuscan Italian tongueComprehended in necessary rules of pronunciation, rules of accenting by way of alphabet. With a nomenclator, or little dictionarie, set forth for the especiall use of such as are desirous to bee proficient in the said languageLondra1639Ralph MabIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Torriano GiovanniThe Italian tutor or a new and most compleat Italian grammer.Containing above others a most compendious way to learne the verbs, and the rules of syntax. To which is annexed a display of the monasillable particles of the language, by way of alphabet, As also, certaine dialogues made up of italianismes or neicities of the language, with the English to...Londra1640H. RobinsonIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiindiceSiena
Torriano GiovanniThe Italian reviv’d: or the introduction to the Italian tongue.Containing such grounds as are most immediately useful and necessary for the speedy and easie attaining of the same. As also a new store-house of proper and choice dialogues, most useful for such as desire the speaking part, and intend to travel into Italy, or the Levant. Together with the...Londra1673J. MartynIngleseItalianoLatinoGrammaticaSiedizione digitaleSiena
Smith J.Grammatica quadrilinguis; or, brief instructions for the French, Italian, Spanish, and English tongues,with the proverbs of each language, fitted for those who desire to perfect themselves thereinLondra1674Joseph Clark and John LuttonIngleseFrancese, Inglese, Italiano, SpagnoloLatinoGrammatica plurilingueSiindiceSiena
Colsoni FrancescoThe new trismagister or the new teacher of three languages by whom an Italian, an English and a French Gentleman, may learn mutually to discourse together each in their several languages.In four parts. I The Italian learns to speak English. II The English and the Italian gentleman learns to speak French. III The French and the English gentleman learns to speak Italian. IV The French man learns to speak EnglishLondra1688B. Griffin and R. WildeIngleseFrancese, Inglese, ItalianoLatinoGrammatica plurilingueSiindiceSiena

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