The Levant interpreter

a polyglot dialogue book for English travellers in the Levant

Anton Tien | Tien Anton

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L'indice del manuale è in 4 lingue parellele: inglese, turco, italiano, greco. Si riporta di seguito l'indice in inglese.


I. Auxiliary verbs.
II. Vocabulary.
III. Ditto (continued).
IV. Cardinal and ordinal numbers. The seasons. Months, days of the week, etc.
V. Asking and affirming. Surprise. Sorrow. Blame.
VI. Conversation. News. Going and coming.
VII. Age. The watch.
VIII. A visit. Breakfast. Dinner.
IX. Tea. Supper.
X. Marketing. Walking.
XI. Rain. Winter. Summer. Spring. Autumn.
XII. Money changing.
XIII. Directions about the way. Inquiries.
XIV. Needlework.
XV. Fire.
XVI. Meeting a friend.
XVII. Garden. Fruit. Flowers. Vegetables.
XVIII. School. Letter writing. 
XIX. Rising.
XX. Travel talk.
XXI. In a shop.
XXII. Bookseller.
XXIII. Apartments.
XXIV. With an upholsterer.
XXV. To buy several articles.
XXVI. Tailor.
XXVII. Boot and shoe maker.
XXVIII. Physician.
XXIX. Hired carriages and omnibus.
XXX. Before departure and railway travelling.
XXXI. Embarking.
XXXII. During the passage.
XXXIII. Landing and custom house.
XXXIV. In an hotel.
XXXV. With the hotel keeper.
XXXVI. En route.
XXXVII. The Lord's Prayer.
XXXVIII. Parable of the Sower.
XXXIX, Parable of the Good Samaritan.
XL. Texts.

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