Necessarie rvles and short observations for the trve pronovncing and speedie learning of the Italian tongue

John Florio | Florio John

London | Londra

Edw. Blount and William Barret | Edw. Blount and William Barret

Anno: 1611

Tipo: Grammatica


Lingua oggetto:

Necessarie rvles and short observations for the true pronovncing

and speedy learning of the Italian tongve p. 617

Of pronounciation p. 617

Of the articles of the Italian tongue, and of the frequent vse of them p. 619

Of the true vse of these articles p. 620

Of nounes in generall, namely of substantiues, and of the vse of them p. 622

Of nounes adiectiues, and of the vse of them p. 626

Of nounes proper or appellatiues p. 627

Of comparatiues and how to frame them p. 627

Of superlatiues p. 628

Of the declining of nouns p. 628

Of pronounes in generall p. 629

Of the pronounes deriuatiues, or as some cal them affixes, adiuncts,

or particles p. 630

Of si p. 631

Of ne p. 632

Of verbes in generall p. 633

Of the verbe hauére12 p. 634

Of the second auxiliare and most necessary verb essere p. 645

Of the vse, and what may be obserued by this most necessary verbe

essere p. 649

Of impersonall verbes p. 649

Of the auxiliare verbes volére. Potére and douére p. 650

The true coniugating of a regular verbe of the first coniugation, by

which may be learned the certaine framing of all other regular

verbes of the said coniugation p. 650

The true coniugating of the regular verbe of the second coniugation,

by which may be learned the certaine framing of all other regular

verbes, both of the said and the third coniugation p. 662

The true coniugating of a regular verbe of the third coniugation, by

which may be learned the certaine framing of any regular verbe

of the said coniugation p. 665

The true coniugating of a regular verbe of the fourth coniugation,

by which may be learned the certaine framing of all other regular

verbes of the said coniugation p. 668

Of the chiefest irregular verbes of the first coniugation p. 670

Of the chiefest irregular verbes of the second coniugation p. 672

Of the chiefe irregular verbes of the third coniugation p. 673

Of the irregular verbes of the fourth coniugation p. 667

Of the indeclinable particles or immutable parts of speech p. 679

Aduerbes p. 679

Coniunctions p. 685

Prepositions p. 685

Of certaine prepositions seldome or neuer used alone p. 686

Interiections of griefe, of calling, of intreating, of feare, of loathing,

or of any passion p. 687

Prepositions of particles vsed many times for ornament p. 688

Of the particle chè p. 688

Finis p. 690

Compilatore: Dalila Bachis

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Unistrasi Unimi Unipi Unitus


Unistrasi Unimi