Comprehended in necessary rules of pronunciation, rules of accenting by way of alphabet. With a nomenclator, or little dictionarie, set forth for the especiall use of such as are desirous to bee proficient in the said language
Giovanni Torriano | Torriano Giovanni
London | Londra
Ralph Mab | Ralph Mab
Anno: 1639
Tipo: Grammatica
Lingua oggetto:
Alla nobilissima et eccelentissima Dama, Madama Elizabeta, Contessa di Kent, vero specchio d’onore, virtù, nobiltà
To the corteous readers, such as have beene my schollers, or may bee hereafter; and others whom this booke may concerne
An advertisement concerning the particulars handled in this treatise Necessary rvles, for the true pronunciation of the Thuscan Italian tongue p. 1
Rules and observations concerning every letter, as well in composition as single, letter by letter; as the alphabet lies naturally in order p. 3
A catalogue containing an example of each rule afore mentioned, that looking upon these you shall of necessity reflect upon the sense of the rule without booke p. 16
Observations concerning the transmigration of one letter into another: vsefull for such as are desirous to understand the Italian thoroughly p. 19
Finis p. 23