A New, plain, methodical and compleat italian Italian grammar, whereby you may very soon attain to the perfection of the Italian tongue

Arrigo Pleunus | Pleunus Arrigo

Livorno | Livorno

Pietro Francesco Mengoli | Pietro Francesco Mengoli

Periodo: 1701-1725



Lingua oggetto:

Dedicated to the worthy English gentlemen, merchants at Legorne viz to Mr. Cristopher Hasbury

To the reader

A brief introduction ti the italian tongue for those who have not learnt the latin tongue p. 1

Of the pronuntiation p. 13

Of the articles p. 16

Of nouns p. 27

Of a general rule to know of what gender are the nouns in e for those who have the Latin tongue p. 30

Of the degrees of comparison p. 38

Of the pronouns p. 42

Of verbs p. 57

English and Italian vocabulary p. 137

Familiar phrases. Frasi familiari p. 227

Dialoghi p. 230

Frasi, che bisogna bene osservare perché sono differenti dall’Italiano p. 282

A collection of pleasant stories. Raccolta d’istoriette piacevoli p. 287

English and italian proverbs. Proverbj italani, ed inglesi p. 301

Fine p. 306

Compilatore: Dalila Bachis

Promotori del progetto

Unistrasi Unimi Unipi Unitus


Unistrasi Unimi