A grammar of the Italian language

In two parts. In the first, the rudiments are accurately delivered; the peculiarities and Idioms carefully noted; and the learner completely instructed to read, write and speak Italian correctly. To which are added, rules never before published; particularly for a true pronunciation, which is carefully exemplified by correspondent sounds in English syllables. The second part contains an Italian and English vocabulary; a collection of the most useful adjectives; Italian phrases on different subjects; miscellaneous phrases; familiar dialogues in Italian and English; and the choicest Italian proverbs,

Evangelista Palermo | Palermo Evangelista

London | Londra

A. Millar in the Strand | A. Millar

Anno: 1755

Tipo: Grammatica


Lingua oggetto:

To the right honourable John Earl of Cork and Orrery, &c.



Part first

Chap. I. Of the letters and their pronunciation p. 2

Of the pronunciation of some particular letters and syllables p. 3

Of diphthongs p. 9

A collection of some Italian words, wherein all the former rules concerning true pronunciation of syllables are fully exemplified p. 10

Of the accent p. 12

Of the grave accent p. 13

Of the acute accent p. 15

Of the apostrophe p. 16

Of words which ever admit either of an apostrophe or retrenchment p. 19

Chap. II. Of the parts of speech p. 20

Of the articles ibid.

Of the declension of the articles p. 21

How to use all the above articles and with what substantives p. 22

Remarks on the articles p. 25

Chap. III. Of the nouns and their terminations p. 28

The declention of the substantives with their respective articles p. 38

Declension of proper name p. 42

Of the figure and species of nouns p. 45

Of the augmentation and diminution of nouns p. 47

Of the adjectives p. 50

Of the termination of the adjectives ibid.

Of the comparison of the adjectives p. 51

Remarks on the comparatives p. 54

Of numeral nouns p. 58

Remarks on the numbers p. 60

Rules for those who understand the Latin language p. 62

Rules for those who understand the French language p. 64

Chap. IV. Of pronouns p. 66

Of personal pronouns p. 67

Of the peculiarity of the Italian language, not only in personal pronouns but also in some nouns p. 71

Another peculiarity of the personal pronouns in speaking to a second person p. 73

Of pronouns conjunctive p. 75

Remarks upon the pronouns conjunctive p. 79

Of pronouns conjunctive copulative p. 81

Remarks upon the pronouns conjunctive copulative p. 83

Of pronouns possessive p. 86

Remarks on the pronouns possessive p. 91

Of pronouns demonstrative p. 95

Remarks on the pronouns demonstrative p. 98

Of pronouns relative p. 100

Remarks on the pronouns relative p. 102

Of pronouns interrogative p. 104

Remarks on the pronouns interrogative p. 105

Of indefinitive pronouns p. 106

Remarks on some indefinitive pronouns p. 108

Chap. V. Of verbs p. 113

The conjugation of the auxiliary verb, avere, to have p. 126

The conjugation of the auxiliary verb, essere, to be p. 131

Remarks on the infinitives, gerunds, and participles of both the auxiliary, as well as all the other verbs in general p. 136

A table useful to shew in one view the terminations of all the persons of tenses, as well as of the infinitives, gerunds, and participles of the regular verbs of all three conjugations p. 140

The three conjugations of regular verbs

The first conjugation in are, as amare, to love p. 142

The second conjugation in ere, as credere, to believe p. 146

The third conjugation in ire, as dormire, to sleep p. 151

Observations on verbs of the first conjugation ending in care e gare p. 155

The conjugation of passive verbs p. 157

The conjugation of reciprocal or reflected verbs p. 158

A collection of the most useful regular verbs of the first conjugation p. 164

A collection of the most useful regular verbs of the second conjugation p. 169

A collection of the most useful regular verbs of the third conjugation p. 170

Of the irregular verbs ibid.

Irregular verbs of the first conjugation p. 171

Observations upon them p. 182

Of the irregular verbs of the second conjugation that have their infinitive in ère long p. 185

Of the irregular verbs in ere short, and their different terminations p. 205

Of the irregular verbs of the third conjugation p. 219

Of verbs impersonal p. 231

How to express in Italian there is or there are, there was or there were, &c. p. 235

Chap. VI. Of participles p. 238

Chap. VII. Of adverbs p. 242

Chap. VIII. Of prepositions p. 254

Chap. IX. Of interjections p. 257

Chap. X. Of conjunctions p. 258


An Italian and English vocabulary p. 261

A collection of the most useful adjectives p. 327

A collection of familiar Italian phrases on different subjects p. 335

Miscellaneus phrases p. 351

Familiar dialogues in Italian and English p. 357

A collection of the choicest Italian proverbs p. 384

Fine p. 400

Compilatore: Dalila Bachis

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Unistrasi Unimi