The Italian tutor or a new and most compleat Italian grammer.

Containing above others a most compendious way to learne the verbs, and the rules of syntax. To which is annexed a display of the monasillable particles of the language, by way of alphabet, As also, certaine dialogues made up of italianismes or neicities of the language, with the English to them. Studied and compiled with much more time and labour, and now published for the speede and ease of such as desire to attaine the perfection of the said language; with an alphabet of primative and originall Italian words, underivable from the Latin

Giovanni Torriano | Torriano Giovanni

London | Londra

H. Robinson | H. Robinson

Anno: 1640

Tipo: Grammatica


Lingua oggetto:

Alla. nobilma & eccma Dama, Madama Elizabeta, Contessa di Kent, vero specchio d’onore, virtù, nobiltà: le cui dovitie singolari sicome nelle altre lingue, così principalmente nella lingua Italiana fanno il compimento d’ogni perfettione.

To the courteous reader

Of the masculine articles, which serve in stead of the newter also p. 1

Of the feminin article p. 2

The signes of the cases p. 2

Of the articles and signes briefly p. 2

The terminations of nownees p. 3

Of a nowne p. 3

An example of the first termination p. 4

An example of a substantive, and an adiective together p. 5

Certaines nownes as have onely the singular number which may

ne tearmed heteroclites p. 9

Of nownes, adiectives, and comparatives p. 10

Of pronownes p. 12

Of verbs p. 16

Adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, interjections p. 56

Of adverbs p. 57

Now followeth the syntax of each part of speech, and of what

belongeth to them p. 81

The sintax of the articles p. 81

Of concordances p. 84

Of pronounes p. 85

Of adverbs p. 87

Of articles and particles p. 93

Miscellaneous rules p. 94

Of verbs p. 96

Of the participle p. 97

Of gerundi p. 98

Of the verbe passive p. 99

Of adverbs p. 100

Of conjunctions p. 101

Of prepositions p. 102

Of interjections p. 103

FINE p. 103

Compilatore: Dalila Bachis

Promotori del progetto

Unistrasi Unimi Unipi Unitus


Unistrasi Unimi