The new trismagister or the new teacher of three languages by whom an Italian, an English and a French Gentleman, may learn mutually to discourse together each in their several languages.

In four parts. I The Italian learns to speak English. II The English and the Italian gentleman learns to speak French. III The French and the English gentleman learns to speak Italian. IV The French man learns to speak English

Francesco Colsoni | Colsoni Francesco

London | Londra

B. Griffin and R. Wilde | B. Griffin and R. Wilde

Anno: 1688

Tipo: Grammatica plurilingue


Lingue oggetto:

L’Autore al molto illustre ed honorando Patrono il Signor Davide Rodomonte

Al benigno lettore Italiano

Dell’origine de mercanti

Divisione dell’opera

The New Trismegister, or the master of three tongues. The third part.

By which the English and French-men, may learn the Italian tongue.

Al molto illustre e virtuoso Signore il Signore Christoforo Mickleton patrono mio e scolaro osservandissimo

The Italian alphabet p. 55

The particular sound of some consonants p. 56

Chap. 1. Of nouns and their articles p. 56, 57

Chap. 2. Of the three degrees of comparison p. 58

Chap. 3. Of the pronouns p. 58, 59

A general table of the four Italian conjugations p. 61

A catalogue of the irregular verbs of the first conjugation p. 62

The irregular verbs of the second conjugation p. 63

Irregular verbs of the third conjugation p. 63, 64 & seq.

Irregular verbs of the fourth conjugation p. 68, 69

Rules of mutual verbs p. 70

The impersonal verbs Idem

The natural order, or the syntax for all the Italian propositions p. 71

Chap. 1. Of numbers, months, and days p. 97, 98, 99

Chap. 2. Of adverbs of time p. 100 & seq.

Chap. 3. Of conjunctions and interjections p. 107

A vocabulary p. 145

Twelve familiar dialogues p. 189

Compilatore: Dalila Bachis

Promotori del progetto

Unistrasi Unimi Unipi Unitus


Unistrasi Unimi